I road into the campsite with a couple of hours of daylight left to get a fire going and get the camp set up. I hopped off of my Kona Sutra LTD, and leaned it against a tree. I relieved the weight from my back and hung my pack on a broken tree limb and stretched out, after the lengthy ride.
After setting up camp, I hung my riding clothes from a line, and put on some more comfortable attire for the evening. I walked toward the firepit and as I approached, I saw an old stump near the firepit that someone had carved into a face. Hence the name "Stump Head Adventures" was born.
It is my desire to be an encouragement to the non mainstream cyclists that just ride their bikes for fun. For those of you, like myself, that load up your bikes and head down the road or trail to a distant oasis as often as you can and don't take yourself to seriously. I hope that by sharing my experiences on two wheels, it will encourage you to do the same. Don't live life vicariously through others. Head out and make your own trail.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
